Tenerife Retreat

Importance of Good Nutrition

retreat and fitness holidays in Tenerife Spain

Your food choices each day affect your health — how you feel today, tomorrow, and in the future.

Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer), and promote your overall health.

4 key elements to a healthy balanced diet are: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats and water

Carbohydrates – here are 3 types of carbohydrates:

Sugar - are simple carbs. The body quickly breaks down and absorbs sugars and processed starch. They can provide rapid energy, but they do not leave a person feeling full

Starch - Diets high in refined starches are linked to a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease and weight gain, you find starch high in Cereal, Pasta, Rice, White Bread, Bagels, Flours, Pretzels, Instant Noodles and Oats.

Fibre - The body breaks down some types of fibre and uses them for energy others are metabolized by gut bacteria, while other types pass through the body.

Proteins - Proteins consist of amino acids, which are organic compounds that occur naturally.

There are 20 amino acids. Some of these are essential, which means people need to obtain them from food. The body can make the others.

Protein makes up the building blocks of organs, muscles, skin, and hormones. Your body needs protein to maintain and repair tissues. Meanwhile, children need it for growth.

Foods that are high in protein: Eggs, Almonds, Chicken breast, Oats, Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, Milk, Broccoli, Lean Beef, Tuna, Pumpkin Seeds, Peanut Butter, Turkey breast and all Fish.

Fats - Fats are essential for:

Too much fat can lead to obesity, high cholesterol, liver disease, and other health problems.


The adult human body is up to 60% water, and it needs water for many processes. Water contains no calories, and it does not provide energy.

Many people recommend consuming 2 litres, or 8 glasses, of water a day, but it can also come from dietary sources, such as fruit and vegetables. Adequate hydration will result in pale yellow urine.


Nutrition is the study of food and how it affects the body. People need to consume a varied diet to obtain a wide range of nutrients.

Some people choose to follow a specific diet, in which they focus on certain foods and avoid others. People who do this may need to plan carefully to ensure they obtain all the necessary vitamins to maintain their health.

A diet that is rich in plant-based foods and that limits added animal fats, processed foods, and added sugar and salt is most likely going to benefit a person’s health.